- 1.LNS offers Three Life Reward Programs (LRP) that consists of 2/2 Life, 2/2 Invest and 1/1 Invest Plus Step Commission. The earned commission is paid once a week due to the sales cut-off day being Sunday. Only those Life Accounts or Life Centers will be calculated for the commission payments that have passed LNS verification.
- 2.All active Life Accounts and Life Centers will be accounted for and the commission will be paid to the qualified Life Account holder but maximum payout for Life Step Commission for the customer entering Life Plan with one (1) point is 20 steps per day (if the daily Life Steps of a customer exceeds more than 20 steps, the Flush-out rule will apply). These conditions apply to other steps.
- 3.These rules are repeated in Invest Plan and Invest Plus Plan. Thus, maximum payout per day in Invest Plan for Life Step Commission is 10 steps, and in Invest Plus Plan the maximum payout per day for Life Step Commission is 7 steps. (If in the Invest Plan the customer’s daily Life Steps are more than 10 steps, and in Invest Plus Plan daily Life Steps are more than 7 steps, then Flush out rule will apply).
- * LRP - Life Reward Programs (LRP)
- 1.Every 2 new Sales Transactions introduced and placed one (1) LCs on the left and one (1) LCs on the right of the Active Life Account can be qualified as one Life Motivation Step Commission of US$40.
Later, Every 4 new Sales Transactions introduced and placed two (2) LCs on the left and two (2) LCs on the right of the Active Life Account can be qualified as one Life Step Commission of US$50.
- 2.The maximum payout for Life Step Commission is 20 steps (40L/40R) per day for 1 point, 25 steps (50L/50R) per day for 3 points, 30 steps (60L/60R) per day for 7 points and 35 steps (70L/70R) per day for 15 points.
- 3.Maximum Life Step Commission that can be earned in a day including Vouchers is US$1,000 for 1 point, US$1,250 for 3 points, US$1,500 for 7 points and US$1,750 for 15 points. For example, commissions in excess of 20 steps (40 Left / 40 Right) in a day for 1 point system shall be considered paid and flushed out. These conditions apply to other point systems.
- * LCs – Life Centers
- 1.5 Life Steps equal 1 Rotation.
- 2.LNS will convert US$50 of every fifth Life Step Commission into Life Vouchers (LV) the same rule applies to all 20 active Life Centers (LCs).
- 3.Commissions collected in Life Vouchers are automatically transferred to Commission Bank when the customer reaches LNS-VIA (100/100) qualification.
This stage is repeated in all qualifications: that’s up to LNS-ARGENTO (500/500), LNS-M.FIORE (1000/1000), LNS-VIA-ORO (5000/5000) and LNS-VIP (10000/10000).
- In the next LNS (20.000/20.000) qualification the customers are awarded an Alfa Romeo Giulietta car model or E-Money reward in the amount of US $ 15,000 ~ 20,000.
- Automatic payout of the commissions collected in Life Voucher is stopped when the customer reaches LNS (20.000/20.000) qualification. After that a new system is applied in Life Voucher. That is, in INVESTOR (20.001/20.001) qualification, irrespective of LC balance, the customer is paid US$ 1 (one) for every point. Thus, the commissions collected in Life Voucher during a week are transferred to Commission Bank on Monday. These conditions are valid up to INVESTOR-ORO (100.000/100.000) qualification.
- In INVESTOR (20.001/20.001) qualification maximum earnings of each LC according to the number of Life Step Commissions will be paid to the Commission Bank. A customer’s potential maximum earnings per day differ according to the number of steps per LC. For example, 1 point consists of 20 steps (40L/40R), with the maximum customer gain being $20 per day. This rule is also applied to other point systems.
If the customer wants to get 1 USD continuously until INVESTOR-ORO qualification (100.000/100.000), then at least one person must complete the LNS-VIP qualification (10.000 / 10.000) in the 1st year and LNS (20.000 / 20.000) - in 2nd year on a weak line of LC of the customer.
The payment of 1 (one) USD for each point to be suspended if the customer does not comply with these rules and the abovementioned period expires.
- Instead of the commissions collected in Life Voucher, the customers are presented with valuable gifts or e-Money rewards in the following qualifications:
- •In INVESTOR-ORO (100.000/100.000) qualification the customers are presented with an Apartment House or E-Money reward in the amount of US$ 80.000 ~ 100.000;
- •In INVESTOR-VIP (200.000/200.000) qualification the customers are presented with a Yacht or E-Money reward in the amount of US$ 180.000 ~ 200.000;
- •In INVESTOR-DIAMOND (500.000/500.000) qualification the customers are presented with a Helicopter or E-Money reward in the amount of US$ 380.000 ~ 400.000;
- •In INVESTOR-BLUE DIAMOND (1.000.000/1.000.000) qualification the customers are presented with a Business Jet or E-Money reward in the amount of US$ 780.000 ~ 800.000.
- If customers refuse the gift, commissions collected in Life Vouchers are automatically transferred to customers’ Commission Bank. Remember, the amount of the value of the gift will be sent to the Commission Bank. The exact amount of the E-Money reward will vary depending on the time period in which the customer achieves the above mentioned qualifications.
- * LV – Life Vouchers
- 4.Earned Life Vouchers will be shown in your Life Voucher Statement.
- 1.With every 4 new Activation Transactions introduced and placed two (2) LCs on the left and two (2) LCs on the right of the Active Life Account can be qualified as one Life Step Commission of US$150.
- 2.The maximum payout for Life Step Commission is 10 steps (20L/20R) per day.
- 3.Maximum Life Step Commission that can be earned in a day is US$1,500 inclusive of Life Vouchers. Commissions in excess of 10 steps (20 Left / 20 Right) per day shall be considered paid and flushed out.
- 1.With every 2 new Activation Transactions introduced and placed one (1) LCs on the left and one (1) LCs on the right of the Active Life Account can be qualified as one Life Step Commission of US$500.
- 2.The maximum payout for Life Step Commission is 7 steps (7L/7R) per day.
- 3.Maximum Life Step Commission that can be earned in a day is US$3,500 inclusive of Life Vouchers. Commissions in excess of 7 steps (7 Left / 7 Right) per day shall be considered paid and flushed out.
Life E-Money Purchase
- 1.Life E-Money can be acquired through Buy Life E-Money link in Life Office to any LC owner who has sufficient amount available in his/her credit cards, PayPal and other means of payment. LC owners can independently (not depending on any other person) introduce customers to LNS system by obtaining Life e-Money of different values through Buy Life E-Money link.
- 2.To encourage our LC owners, they are offered to make E-Money transfers to other persons by using their Life E-Money accounts.
- * LCs – Life Centers
- 1.It is the responsibility of the respective customers to view, print and/or download their respective Commission Statement accordingly and it is also highly advisable that all Customers print a copy of their Commission Statement for their own safekeeping.
- 2.All unpaid Life Step Commission brought forward from the previous day shall also be shown in the said commission statement.
- 3.It is the responsibility of all LNS Customers to read, understand and check their respective Commission Statements accordingly. Customers must notify LNS Admin for any error or omission within five (5) days from the date thereof, after which the company will not be responsible for any discrepancy and shall not entertain whatsoever claim that may arise.